Our Identity
Borne by the elements…

An integral part of farming and crucial for the first step in preparing the land for nature’s bounty. Locally known as ‘Bhaazni’, dry leaves, small twigs and branches are spread across the field and burnt in a controlled environment. The ash is then mixed with the soil, making it nutrient rich and fertile. We use this burnt ash for our coconut trees. Also, a lot of our processes at Sushé Farms rely on the gloriously powerful solar heat and energy.

Before the advent of scientific forecasting, the village elders often relied on wind direction to get a drift of the changing seasons. This timing is critical when it comes to sowing, threshing and even harvesting crop. The clean air rejuvenates man, beast and fauna alike, without which our existence would be next to impossible. The wind nurtures our mango, cashew and coconut trees and creates its own symphony rustling through the leaves.

It shelters, it nurtures, it anchors; it is home! We believe in being deeply rooted to who we are and also that we are what we eat. Our relationship with soil/earth involves a give and take. We do literally reap what we sow. When we take care of the soil and let it breathe in natural cycles, it gives back in manifold ways. At Sushé we use ‘Shendriya’ (organic) fertilizer and being responsible towards nature is our prime focus. This helps us stay connected to birds and tiny insects that live on the farm, protecting them from outside interference.

A life force that makes up most of us! Here, being close to the sea, we are fortunate to have access to plenty of water and the bounty it brings with it. The salt in the water is great for coconut trees and leftover fish is used as organic manure to fortify the soil and provide fertilizer, helping the trees stay strong and provide a good harvest for us every year.

Ether / Space
At Sushé, we have the utmost respect for the space we have been blessed with on this beautiful planet and will always strive to do our best by it. We are constantly working towards reducing our carbon footprint, furthering the use of cleaner more environment friendly processes and giving our sustainability dreams the room to grow. Our passion for and belief in what we do and how we do it, is sewn together by our customers who drive us and give us the space to stay true to who we are.