Our Story

Where the seeds of love took root...

A patch of well-loved land and infinite commitment, defines Sushé Farms, nurtured under the aegis of the wonderfully competent and dedicated Sudha Kochrekar. It was her mother Sulochana who once lovingly looked after this land, which was then passed on to Sudha. 

Sushé Farms has been christened after the family matriarch Sulochana. Lovingly called “Sushe” by the affectionate village folk.  In villages, where everyone knows each other, it is common to be addressed by names of endearment. Thus, like a doting mother giving her child an identity, Sushé Farms got its name.

Of next-gen helping hands and green fingers…

At a time when people were moving from small villages to cities, ardent nature lover Prashant Uchil did just the opposite! He bid adieu to his corporate job at a leading MNC Bank in 2018 and went to assist his mom-in-law Sudha at Sushé Farms. Prashant continues to split his time between Sushé Farms and Mumbai, where his wife Vaishali, a dedicated professional, works.

The not-so-simple transition from a bustling city to a sleepy little green fishing hamlet, soon became an integral part of Prashant’s life. Spending more time in the fields, getting hands muddy, making use of green fingers and interacting with village folk became true soul-satisfying experiences. That also included  the sometimes back-breaking work (especially to us city dwellers), of digging holes, planting trees or even lifting the region’s Cheera Bricks to build walls. 

For Uchil, this was only the beginning. The idea of making coconut oil was seeded by his visionary cousin Rohit Uchil. Once this dream was rooted, the strategy got nurtured and nourished with dedicated hours of ground-work, research, processes and experimentation. Finally, everything fell into place and production commenced. A labor of love, was soon born! 

Just like every great idea has a few hurdles to overcome, the pandemic was one such road-block. Yet Uchil and Team Sushé proceeded ahead, undeterred with Solar Dryers, man power run oil processes and a well-oiled small-scale production line-up. The end result was the Tritiya Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil, which has been an overwhelming success.

Sushé Farms has been true to its motto of ‘From Farm to Table’. And that’s how it shall remain in the ensuing fertile years to come.