Cashew Nuts

A special treat from Sushé Farms! Our Vengurala variety cashew nuts are lovingly grown in the rich red soil on the slopes of Sahyadri, which is key to their delicious flavor. Cross-cropped with our mango trees, these cashews get the best care throughout their growing season. 

After harvesting, the mature nuts are sun-dried for a few days before being locally processed by the village folk. By focusing on small batches, we guarantee you the freshest and most delicious cashews.

As with most things good, our products are available in fresh, limited batches.

Our cashew nuts are packed with benefits:

  • Rich in healthy fats and protein
  • High in vitamins E, K, and B6, and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and iron
  • Good source of antioxidants
  • Promote heart health
  • Support bone health

These versatile cashews can be enjoyed in so many fun ways:

  • Munch on them as a healthy snack
  • Add them to your favorite desserts and baking goodies
  • Toss them into savory stir-fries and curries
  • Sprinkle them on salads for an extra crunch

Nutritional information
100g of product approx

Energy 898kal
Carbohydrate 0g
Saturated Fat 89g
Unsaturated fat 11g
Trans fat 0g
Cholesterol 0g
Protein 0g
Fat 99g
Sugar 0g