Refunds & Cancellations

The online payment once received will not be refunded for successful bill payment services.

Sometime, the payment could be successful, but the bill payment could fail. Some of the common reasons for failed bill payments include:

    i. Incorrect authenticator details like account no, customer ID etc; 

    ii. Late payment fee not added to the outstanding bill amount; 

    iii. Technical issues at the biller’s end; 

    iv. Incorrect/ missing/ damaged items delivered. 

By default all failed transactions are automatically refunded as per the standard policy of the respective banks. However for the same to reflect in your account it may take specific time as per the standard policy of the respective bank. Generally refunds will be reflected within a standard number of ……. days in case of Net Banking/Debit Card Transaction & a standard number of …… days (Next Billing Cycle) for Credit Card Transactions. For any further details on the same, we request you to please contact the respective banks. We shall not be held liable for the same. 

We request all tax payers to kindly verify the tax bill details carefully before making any payment. 

We shall not entertain any refund requests if cancellation of an order is in violation of this policy or its Terms of Service or if we terminate the user account for violation of its Terms of Service.

The bill payments once made by you cannot be cancelled for a refund.  An order may be cancelled before deployment due to any of the following reasons:

    1. The specific item/ product is unavailable; 

    2. The product is damaged at the time of delivery or incorrect item being delivered, at which case the decision on return or refund shall be solely taken by us; 

    3. On any of your reasonable request; or

    4. Any other reason beyond the our control. 

We have a strict no exchange policy and we hope that you kindly consider that while placing orders with us.